Brian Alabaster’s residency, 2018 based at his foundry in Suffolk. As part of the residency I cast a body of work which finished with an exhibition located in his beautiful barn studio. Over the week residency the process of lost wax casting was used to create my first bronze sculptures - Bronze Drops and Vessel. The Aubergine was cast with a method where you directly burn out the aubergine in a Ludo mould which you then pour the bronze into, giving you a direct cast. Peace of Mind is a 3 meter wide plaster cast, wall hanging which was coloured and distressed before carving its surface.
Vessel - Bronze
Edition 1/1
Dimensions = 24cm x 15cm x 8cm
Available for wall hanging.
Price on request
Drops - Bronze
Edition of 8
Dimensions = 16cm x 11cm x 11cm
(Other patinas available on request)
Price on request